IDM shall provide an independent
leading one-stop service for the administration
of International disputes in London, Paris and Geneva.
The services will
assist the efficient resolution of disputes. Those services
obtaining a suitable
venue for meetings or hearings, such venue to
be individually checked by IDM;
finding appropriate
accommodation for those whose attendance is required;
At the same time, IDM
shall identify and recommend leading ancillary services
required for the smooth running of the dispute, such
as transcribers equipped with the latest technology,
interpreters together with the necessary booths, general
office equipment rental such as photocopiers computers
and mobile phones.
The support provided
by IDM will enable those involved in a dispute to focus
on its resolution instead of being distracted by administration.
As a result, you will save not only a considerable
amount of time, but also cost.
You will also benefit
from the fact that IDM has experience of the services
For further details,
see our section on services...
About IDM
The following passages
discuss the nature and purpose of IDM in greater detail.